We offer flexible pricing plans to deliver the best value to your business.You have the option to choose our fixed-price starter/one-time plans if you have a clear defined need, which our specialist ninjas are happy to service. Alternately if your need is bigger and more fluid, we offer a Managed Services package that can be customised to suit your needs.
Ideal for teams that need quick results.
Ideal For Businesses that need more.
Ideal For Enterprises with on-going requirements
One time VAPT For teams that need quick results.
TAT: 7-10 days
Ideal For Businesses With Multiple Apps.
Ideal For Enterprises with on-going requirements
Gartner predicts that "By 2025, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk as a primary determinant in conducting third-party transactions and business engagements ".
Whether you're B2B or B2C or B2B2C, your customer expects a advanced security posture from you. Appsecco understands this.
Product or Application security is the common name given to the process of making software (‘apps’ or ‘applications’) more secure by finding security weaknesses in them so that they can be fixed before attackers can use them.
The term ‘Application’ covers all forms of software including; mobile applications (‘mobile apps’), websites and ecommerce platforms, desktop software and the databases and APIs that power them.
Cloud security is overall name given to the process of protecting online cloud infrastructure, data and applications running in it from cyber threats and attackers.
Cloud Security can cover everything from whether a cloud system is physically vulnerable to attack to auditing the policies and processes used to set up and manage how cloud infrastructure is run on a day-to-day basis.
A Penetration Test, often called a ‘Pen Test’ or 'PT' or ‘Ethical Hacking’, is a simulated cyber-attack on an application or cloud environment, performed to evaluate the security of the system and to prove whether the system is secure from attack or not.
This is technically different from a Vulnerability Assessment but many people use the term Penetration test as a catch-all for this as well.
A Vulnerability Assessment is a complete review of an application or cloud environment to find all possible security weaknesses in it. This normally tests to see if an application or cloud environment contains any publicly known vulnerabilities or security issues along with assigning severity levels them, enabling fixes and/or mitigation as required.
A Penetration Test is intended to answer the question “Can my product/could be hacked?” Pen tests are performed from the perspective of an attacker, and when a vulnerability is found, our ethical hackers exploit the weak spot to see how deep or far an attacker can get. During a penetration test, it is therefore only of secondary importance whether there are multiple vulnerabilities.
A Vulnerability Assessment answers a wider question “Tell me all the ways my product/cloud could be hacked?”. The test is run in such a way that as many vulnerabilities as possible are found without spending time trying to exploit them to see how far you can get. Finding more vulnerabilities is often more valuable because it allows to reduce risks more effectively: exploring wide, instead of deep.
A Cloud Security Audit is a periodic examination an organization does to assess and document its cloud vendor's performance. The goal of such an audit is to see how well a cloud vendor is doing in meeting a set of established controls and best practices
"Appsecco helped us with actionable insights on the security posture of our AWS cloud platform and business applications. As a result, our developers fixed critical weaknesses and are more aware of what to keep in mind while building applications and using infrastructure as we grow."